Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Unbelievable.  It's been a little over a year since I posted.  And let me tell you, a lot can happen in a year....

Looking back, a lot of good things happened: I changed jobs, my daughter got married, had some AWESOME girlfriend time and hubby time. And then, some not so good things:  stress from changing jobs (but no regrets) my father-in-law got (and remained) ill, financial whoa's.  A lot going on and not a lot of attention being paid to my own well-being.  Eating/drinking poorly caused another diverticulitis flare-up (which is NOT pleasant).  I've used excuse after excuse as to why I've been lazy.  

To say that I am disappointed in myself is an understatement.  It's difficult to put into words how I feel about gaining so much of the weight back.  It used to be food that I would think of the minute I wake up.  Now, it's "how could you have put this much weight back on?"  It's SO depressing.  Do I need therapy?  Hypnosis?  Surgery? Have my jaw wired shut?  

I am so tired of trying to get into clothes that once fit, that I love.  I'm not happy having to shop for bigger clothes (again).  I hate the way I look (again).  I hate not having a lot of energy (again).

So what needs to happen??  I need to get off my ass and get moving again.  I need to track, track, TRACK all of the food I am eating (not just what fits within my points). Up my water intake. Make better choices. It all starts NOW.  Well, it started yesterday.

Up at 4:15, elliptical for 20 minutes - 2 days in a row!  Working on 10,000 steps a day again.  Tracking EVERYTHING ~ the good, the bad and the ugly.  I've been searching high and low for a Pilates or Barre class that fits into my schedule.  I MISS those classes.  It's all a start.  We all have to start (or re-start) somewhere.  That I am choosing to start at the beginning of the holiday season MIGHT be a mistake.  Or it might be a blessing.  To not have my head screwed on tightly at the beginning might just make this "situation" worse. 

For several months, I have "played" with the same pound.  Up and down.  For.  Months... Fingers crossed that this week will be the beginning of my downhill slide.  

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