Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Long Time, No Hear

Is it possible that it's been 7 months since I have posted?!?  Wow.  That's just plain terrible.  Bad Blogger.  

To say that I have fallen off the wagon is a slight exaggeration.  I have put some of the weight back on, which is disappointing. 15 pounds to be exact from this time last year (25 pounds since last summer).  It sure goes on easily!  Taking it off, not so much.

I would like to say "today is a new day".  A new day to say NO to chocolate and YES to an apple (no, really, I just did that).  

Yesterday, I received a message from a friend, M,  I have known since I was 12 or 13.  Her message made me cry.  She said that I inspired her to lose weight and get healthy.  I was so touched.  And embarrassed.  Because I put weight back on.  I feel like I have let down first of all myself but also people around me who I have encouraged (or inspired, as she said). 

To have someone call me an inspiration made me feel like a fraud.  I had to be reminded that I HAVE kept off [mostly] 40 pounds all this time.  I need to keep that in mind.  I know what needs to be done and have the tools to do it.  It's just so hard. 

In the beginning it was SO easy.  I was motivated and driven and, let's face it, a whole lot of crazy.  If I could get some of that back I would be so happy.  

So I need a new motivation.  My daughters wedding.  I INTEND to look freaking awesome.  I am challenging myself here and now.  Get this 25 off in the next 9 months.  

Here we go....

And thanks, M, for the kick in the pants I needed. 

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