Friday, July 29, 2016

Greek Yogurt Rage

I have never been a huge yogurt fan.  I have tried.  I mean, really tried.  I will admit that when Weight Watchers HAD yogurt, I did eat them and for the most part, liked them.  They were like a dessert (lemon and key lime pie).  But, they were discontinued.  I tried some other brands they were just "eh".   

When I was combing the shelves at the grocery store for yogurt that maybe I might like, and using the barcode scanner on my WW app, I came to the realization that not all yogurts are created the same.  One caramel yogurt was 13 points. 13!  When you think yogurt, you think healthy.  Right? Wrong.

There is a lot of sugar in yogurt. Seems to me if there is that much sugar in it, it should taste better.  Also wrong.  I bit the bullet the other night and bought a lemon Greek "Crunch" yogurt.  I'm sorry but no amount of cookie crumbles and white chocolate pieces was going to make that stuff taste better. Ew.

So, I am going to have to come to realize that I am just not a yogurt person.  Try as I might, it's just not something I will probably ever like.  And it's a shame because there is so much of it out there and the Greek stuff is all the rage.  

It will just have to rage on without me.  

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