Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What a Year!

2015 was my year, that's for sure!  

Let's review.  I went to the doctor on February 16 and found out that I was in the high risk for diabetes. I weighed more that I ever have in my 40-something years.  I decided right then and there that I was going to do something about it and joined Weight Watchers on February 21. 

Since then, I have found that I can be happy AND healthy.  A repeat blood test 6 months later revealed that I was no longer in that risk zone! Hallelujah!  

Sharing my success with my family was incentive for them to jump on board.  My mom joined WW in June, my sister in September!  And because mom is doing it, so is my father.  Its become a family affair!!! Each week we share our "scale and non-scale victories" via group text.  We encourage and celebrate and acknowledge each step of the path towards wellness.

Apparently, I have encouraged a few friends to also join in on the journey to a healthier life.  My cousin asked me if I talk about WW to people and I told her sometimes I feel like a preacher who walks up to people to talk about Jesus, only I would talk about WW!  "Let me tell you the ways of Weight too could live a skinnier life".  Ha!!

I have found joy in so many ways that I contribute to losing weight.  I have rediscovered my love for shopping for new clothes (sorry hubby!).  I actually like to exercise (what?!?!).  I can take long walks without the pain in my feet that I used to have!  I have found new ways to fix meals without carbs and still feel satisfied.

We experienced some events that shook our world (not in a good way) and it was the first time I discovered that I could be an emotional eater.  I had to make a conscience decision to stay away from food (and alcohol) to dull the sad emotions, knowing it would just make me feel worse.

I understand the "Beyond the Scale" concept behind the new WW plan.  Because it's NOT just about losing weight.  It's about how you feel inside and out.  I weigh a lot less but I also: feel better about myself, feel and think healthier, look better, move easier.  It's a whole package of wellness.  

As I move into 2016, I have my last small weight goal set - which really isn't a small goal if you think about it.  I have my sights set on reaching my goal weight by my birthday.  

I plan to continue to try new foods, new exercises, new clothes (sorry again, hubby!), and new adventures.  I have several big events in the coming year that I plan to attend with my head held high and with a "smoking hot body" (as hubby calls it). 

Here I was thinking that 2015 was my year.  Come to think of it, 2016 will be too!

Happy New Year!

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