Sunday, December 6, 2015

Just How DO I Do It?

I get asked all the time "how I do it"?  How do I?  Lots of planning. Lots of self control.  Lots of willpower.  

Always a planner and list maker, I took planning a step further by making a full menu (including breakfast, lunch and dinner) a week in advance.  I create my grocery list from that menu and total the points for each day.  This way I know how many points I have to "play" with (snacks and sneaks).  I use the notes app in my phone, my calendar and Pinterest.  I find this is makes life easier because it's one thing I don't have to think about every day.  Sure, there are times that I don't feel like fixing what's on my list.  Usually, I can rearrange the meal or switch days around.  But, for the most part, I stick to my list.

Once upon a time, saying, "No" to food was never in my vocabulary.  I never met a chicken wing, doughnut, french fry I didn't like.  Now, I am much more selective in what I eat. That's not to say that I don't eat things I really enjoy - ON OCCASION.  

This weekend we celebrated our 12th anniversary.  We went to a pub for lunch, where I enjoyed every bit of my really-not-healthy lunch.  With no regret.  And we ended the evening with a piece of cake.  Also, no regrets.  Because I have to live. Right?  Right.

After the devastation on the scale last week, I got back on track and succeeded.  Scale Victory!  I am so excited!  I am one step closer to GOAL!  YAY!

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